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Condensate Drains

Jorc condensate drains – zero loss electronic drains (Kaptiv-CS and Kaptiv-MD-A), Timed Drains (Fludrain, EZ-1) and Magnetic Drains (Magy). Service Kits and Accessories.

Showing all 2 results

  • Standard Condensate DrainStandard Condensate Drain - Features
    USD $645USD $650

    The Jorc Kaptiv-CS is a standard condensate drain for larger compressed air systems.

    Drain Type
    Electronic zero air loss drain

    Compressed air system size
    up to 100 m3/min (3500 CFM)

    Pressure range
    0 to 16 bar (232 psi)

    Alarm Feature

    Level Indicator

    Power Requirement
    24vAC, 24vDC or 230vAC

    Install on:
    Compressors, Dryers, Filters, Receivers, and Drip legs
    Oil Free or Oil Lubricated systems

    Manufacturing or industrial Use
    Permanent installation

  • Compact Condensate DrainCompact Condensate Drain - Features
    USD $395

    The Jorc Kaptiv-MD-A is an exceptionally versatile and compact condensate drain.

    Drain Type
    Electronic zero air loss drain

    Compressed air system size
    up to 10 m3/min (350 CFM)

    Pressure range
    0 to 16 bar (232 psi)

    Alarm Feature

    Level Indicator

    Power Requirement
    24vAC, 24vDC or 230vAC

    Install on:
    Compressors, Dryers, Filters, Receivers, and Drip legs
    Oil Free or Oil Lubricated systems

    Manufacturing or industrial Use
    Permanent installation