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Mini Series

Dew Point Range: -60°C to +60°C or -76°F to +140°F.

Ideal for all refrigerant and drum dryers.

Showing the single result

  • Mini Dew Point SensorDew Point Sensor Highlights - Mini Series
    EUR 521EUR 557

    This economical, mini dew point sensor is suited to small spaces. Measure pressure dew point (PDP), relative humidity, temperature.

    Pressure Dew Point (PDP) Range
    -60°C to +60°C (-76°F to +140°F)

    Gas Pressure Range
    up to 50 bar (725 psi)

    Dryer Types
    Refrigerant, Drum or Membrane Dryers

    Gas Quality
    Some contamination (ie oil, particles or water vapour)

    Dew point measurements: ±2%
    Temperature measurements: ±0.5 °C

    Pressure dew point (PDP), Relative Humidity and Temperature

    No display

    Modbus (RS485) and 4-20mA

    Power requirement
    10 to 30 VDC, max 50 mA @ 24 V

    No alarm or alarm relay

    Sensor Technology
    Polymer sensor

    Manufacturing and industrial use
    Temporary or permanent installation

    Extra M12 connectors and data cables are available on the Accessories page